Use Quicktime Pro to rotate Movies
With many of the digital camera manufacturers adding the ability to record movies of various lengths and quality to their digital cameras, a recent problem has popped up. How to rotate a movie that you have taken with the digital camera? In this quick little tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Quicktime Pro [$29.99 -] to rotate any video clip.
To begin, open the video file that you would like to edit in Quicktime Pro. The file I edited for this tutorial is a video of my wife skiing that I took while skiing beside her. I used my Nikon Coolpix 775 to record the footage.
Next, go to the Movie menu in Quicktime Pro and click on Get Movie Properties (apple - J). This will bring up the Movie Properties dialog box. See image below. Here we will click on the pop-up menu on the left that says movie and select Video Track. Next, we will select size from the menu on the right that says Annotations. Size will be all the way at the bottom. In the size dialog box you will see two buttons with arrows that indicate rotation (highlighted in image below). Just click on the one that will rotate your movie the way it needs to be rotated and then close the dialog box and save the movie. You should now be able to view your movie without cocking your head to one side.