I’m a big fan of Evernote. So much so, that in a previous entry on my business blog, I outlined the reasons that I thought Evernote was the best software for writing (among other things).
• Nov 12, 2016
Looking for an opportunity to play around with Git, Markdown and Jekyll, I have decided to move this site from ExpressionEngine (EECMS) - which I love and use on most projects - to Jekyll, a static site generator.
• Nov 4, 2016
Generally, I don’t use the command line to interact with my version controlled client accounts. In most cases, I prefer to use Tower, a great Git client for Mac and Windows but in the case of gbradhopkins.com, I decided to use the command line as a way of becoming more familiar with it. Below are the basic commands that I use to push content to my Github account.
• Sep 29, 2016
Update - 7/03/13 - Macworld decided to one up me and provided their own, in-depth instruction guide on how to rip a DVD with handbrake. They go into a lot more detail than I did. Read mine first, and then, if you still can’t figure it out or need more help, check out their guide.
• Jun 25, 2013
I’m a big fan of Flickr. Or, at least I was. If I had to describe our relationship I would describe it as complicated. I’m not a huge fan of the new layout but I can live with it.
• Jun 13, 2013
Generally speaking, getting in shape is a selfish endeavor. We usually try to get in shape because we want to look better or feel better about ourselves. I mean, we could say we’re doing it for our kids or for our loved ones but if we’re honest, it’s mostly about self-image. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with that, although we can become obsessed with it and let vanity rule our lives, but let’s just assume that we’re not taking it that far.
• May 17, 2013
GIFs are everywhere. I remember building animated GIFs frame by frame in Photoshop using that timeline at the bottom of the screen and hating every minute of it. Now, it has become some sort of art form? How did this happen? Apps, I guess. And, faster internet. Oh well, who am I to reject a novel art form?
• May 10, 2013
Originally published on April 30, 2013, I have updated this article and will continue to update it.
• Apr 30, 2013
I’ve always been a big fan of the MacHeist deals. The newest bundle (nanoBundle 3) is a great little bundle of apps for $10. Unfortunately, for me, most of the apps that I would want, I already own.
• Apr 22, 2013
Need a quick way to toggle between tabs in Safari (or, pretty much any other browser) using keyboard shortcuts?
• Feb 6, 2012